Wednesday, May 4, 2016

First Outing to the Tree House on Ualaka'a Trail

Sometimes getting out of the house is the best remedy for a bad mood.  Especially when you have a new trail to test out new backpacks on.  Not knowing where we should go for the day, I pulled out a list of hikes that we have slowly been working through.  Ualaka'a seemed like the right choice as it starts in Pu'u Ualaka'a State Park, and is a short 2 mile loop. After some additional research on the trail, the tree house came up, so of course that came to mind as the perfect spot for The Hiking Buddha to make it's debut.

There is something calming about walking on a muddy trail through the woods, and today was no exception.  It had been slightly drizzling off and on all morning, and the plan to hike out to the tree house was almost canceled. However, the call to the trail was too strong so we set off for our adventure.  For anyone in the Honolulu area looking for a short trail with beautiful views and great nature scenes, Ualaka'a is the perfect choice.

We headed up the trail head and went to the left at the first fork.  This was about a half mile's walk until there is an intersection with 3 other trails.  Luckily there is a helpful map up and all you have to do is take a moment to plan the way you want to continue.  We went on the upward trail to the right, and it was the right choice.  There is another intersection a little up that path with Moleka Trail.  Keep going straight to finish the short loop.  Once down this section, you come to the first intersection with Round Top Drive.  The trail picks up a little ways up the road to the right.  Almost immediately there is a fork in the trail.  If you want to hit the tree house, you'll go to the right.  If you are interested in just finishing the loop you'll go to the left, cross Round Top Drive two more times, and then you are back at the start of the trail.

The climb to the tree house is no joke, especially with Buddha on your back, and three children that are afraid of heights.  Luckily there were two helpful women on the platform already who assisted the boys in reaching the top safely.  It had been raining off and on, so the tree was a little slick, and our shoes were covered in mud. The few footholds on the smooth bark that were available were quite small, and easily maneuvered by the boys, but much harder for my adult sized feet.  After scaling the tree, we finally reached the base of the platform, where the boys had to conquer their fears and let me pass them to the women on the platform above.  This was definitely a moment of trust, and while they were scared and at moments whimpering, all 3 of them safely reached the platform.
What a great lesson to be learned today from children.  They were too afraid to speak, and yet each one followed direction carefully and with faith that I wouldn't let them fall.  The women on the platform were clearly meant to be there to meet us today, as there is no way we could have reached the top without them. 
As we settled in at the top, we were rewarded with a great view of the ocean and the city.  On such a stormy day, we managed to catch the only window of sun, and what a great moment it was.  The light breeze felt wonderful, and the soothing calm of accomplishment was the best part of the adventure.  Buddha made his debut and allowed us a moment of tranquil calm, before once again conquering our fears to return to the ground down the slippery, smooth tree. 

Definitely an unforgettable experience, and a hidden gem for meditation.

Enjoying the beautiful views and the moment!

Ending the trail, until the next adventure...

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Sorry - but I had a clarifying question on your directions to the treehouse. If I'm on Ualaka'a trail - justy stay on it, take the right at the fork, and right after crossing the street, it'll be right around there?

