Saturday, June 25, 2016

Taking a Hiking Break to Work on Balance: Ka'ena Point, Mermaid Caves, Slacklining and Stand Up Paddleboarding

I haven't been out hiking as much as I'd like the last few weeks.  Still watching my neighbor's kids, working on school work, and getting ready to go back home to visit family for a bit, has made my adventuring slightly harder.  However, I did have a day where the boys and I decided to go searching around Ka'ena Point on the west side to kill some time before a movie.  I had left my IDs at home and had to stay out until I could have someone retrieve them for me.

Anyway, for some reason I've always been wary of going out on the West Side of the island, not sure entirely the reason, but I have done little to no exploring out that way.  We drove out to Ka'ena Point, which is the westernmost tip of the island, and hopped out.  Most people walk on the old dirt road out to the bird sanctuary, but I decided that we should hang out on the shore and walk through the rocks and coral.  It was so scenic, and beautiful!  I am definitely going to have to go back on a day when I am planning to explore that area, and not just on a whim.

In the last few weeks, I also had to get a present out to my sister before her birthday.  When she was visiting last month, I promised I would get her some crystals and cleanse them in the mermaid caves.  Never having been to the mermaid caves before, I decided to do some google searching, and luckily enough, the caves come up on google maps, so they are very easy to find.  Go park at the Nanakuli Beach Park, and head towards the left away from the beach behind a neighborhood area.  You'll pass by some interesting tide pools in the rocks.  The entrance to the mermaid cave is the closest hole to a house's backyard that has an opening in a gate with a chain across and a no trespassing sign.  Also, there were some other people there, so we could hear their voices and used that as a guide as well.  We hopped down into the cave, and luckily were there at a midpoint between high and low tides.  It was such a cool and serene place to hang out.  The ground is covered in large chunks of coral, and the sounds the waves make as they come in are majestic and slightly intimidating.  I was able to cleanse the crystals I purchased for my sister and then take a moment to meditate. 

The tricky part about the mermaid caves is getting out.  My friend, April, went with me, and she had no problem hopping up and down the main entrance hole, but I for the life of me couldn't get out (I blame going to the gym earlier that day and being tired), so I ended up having her give me a boost on a secondary entrance that has a shoot type feel, and shimmied back up and out of the cave.  Definitely go with someone else if you have upper body strength issues, so you don't get stuck in the caves.  I can't wait to go back and take my good camera and Buddha to get some shots, and sit and meditate.

This week, I've become obsessed with Slacklining.  I did it a couple times in college, when I was in better shape, and remembered it was quite a core strengthening activity, so I decided it was time to bring slacklining back into my life.  For those of you who aren't sure what I'm talking about, slacklining is when you take 1-2" wide webbing and set it up between two trees, or pillars, so it is kind of like a tightrope.  The difference is it is bouncy, and when you become proficient at just walking across it, you can learn to do cool tricks on it and yoga poses, whatever your heart desires.  I went to Climb Aloha, which is a great local store up on Noah St in Honolulu, although I was informed they are about to move down close to Ward Center, and purchased a "Slackers" kit that is 50ft long, 2" wide and comes with a learning line that can be hung above you to use as a stabilizer.  (Thank goodness for the learning line!)

I tried it out in my front yard for a bit, and loved it, so did my boys.  When my neighbor, April, got home, we went and set the line up by the local beach and started walking the line.  It was so much fun, we decided to slack the next day, and the next, and the next!  Keeping us busy, and eventually we got some other's to join in and play around on the line with us.  We tried out some yoga poses, holding them just long enough to snap pics, and continued to work on just plain walking across the line.  My neighbor enjoyed it so much, she purchased her own line that just got in yesterday, so I see many nights of slacklining in our futures.

The other new adventure I've been taking up this week is Stand Up Paddleboarding.  Other than hiking and trying out new adventures, singing is one of my passions.  So, back in April I saw there was going to be a summer karaoke contest down a Shore Bird Restaurant, in the Waikiki Outrigger.  I entered, and lost the first night I went, which was sad.  However it was a multiple week long qualifier to the grand finale, so I went back the next week, won my night, won the week, and then almost a month later at the karaoke finals, won the night and an amazing 11ft Miller Lite Paddle Board!  So excited about that.  It took me a few weeks to be able to purchase the other items I needed, but I was lucky enough to find a local Surf shop, Blue Planet Surf down on 540 Ward, that has a great selection of paddle boards and accessories that fit my limited budget.  I was able to get an adjustable paddle, leash, soft rack, tie downs, and a deck pad with installation for $250!  Not bad!  So taking into account my winnings I got an amazing, unique paddle board, and all the stuff I need to transport and use it for around $150! (The weekly prize for winners was $100). 

It just so happens that our slacklining place is right by one of the calmest beaches on the island, so deciding that was the perfect place to try out my trophy, I brought it along!  The first day was a little rough getting used to the balance, and dealing with the currents and small waves that come along.  The second day we took it out, I was able to cruise around, try out some yoga poses (although I fell off attempting the warrior II pose), and take my kids out for little cruises to watch the sunset over the Waianae Range!  What a magnificent experience that was, so beautiful to be gliding across the water while the majestic sunset is before you!  Definitely excited to get back out and play around on my new toys some more.

So what did I learn from these hectic weeks of responsibility and play time?  Just that, there is a balance in everything.  There are always going to be outside tasks, forces, responsibilities, what have you that you have to accomplish by certain times, or that cause you to be stressed out and taking a break from things you love to do.  Find new things that you can accomplish in the limited time you have to help center and rejuvenate yourself.  You may be surprised at what those new tasks are, or at how well you can accomplish them, but make sure you take the time to find what helps you de-stress and find your balance.

Here is a video I put together of all the adventures we've been having.  It has some video clips as well as more pics of what we've been up to, if you want to check it out.

Until the next adventure...

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